Today my worry came to a head. After several days of not feeling the side ache pain that I had been having, I woke up this morning feeling it stronger than ever. When I pushed around on my abdomen it felt very tender. I called my
OB's office and left a message for the nurse. It took her a bit to call me back and I started to worry she might not call until the end of the day. I made the girls some lunch and just waited. All the while analyzing every possible thing that could be causing my side cramp. Before I could think of anything too terrible the phone rang and I had an appointment at 1pm. It was 12:15.
I hurried the girls through their lunch and whisked them off to my Mom's house. Luckily we live in a small town and I was there on time no problem. I filled out the standard stack of new paperwork and waited in the lobby for what seemed like forever. By the time they called me back into the exam room I was feeling nervous. I kept second guessing myself. I wondered if maybe I
should've just waited. Bottom line, I didn't want to hear any bad news.
The second my Doctor came in I felt at ease. He was so friendly and upbeat. He assured me he would do an ultrasound. The second the screen came on it was clear that everything was okay with the baby. I could see the sac right away. He zoomed in and at 6 weeks 1 day the little heart was beating fast and strong. He found the baby no problem right in the uterus where he/she should be. Whew. The relief brought tears to my eyes. It turns out I have a very small cyst on my ovary. Nothing to worry about at all. I never claimed to have a high tolerance for pain.
Aside from the fact that I now know things are progressing, there is another reason that I am so glad I went today. My Doctor was concerned about my thyroid levels. The last time I had them checked was the beginning of the year and they were normal, but he still wanted them ran again. He said my goiter is "huge" and needs to be shrunk. I'm glad I had all my blood work done today vs. three weeks from now. I'll know the results in just a couple of days.
So, I left the office completely different then I arrived. Relaxed and with a picture of our new little Jelly Bean in hand. For some reason I can't scan it right, but you really can see the baby. The girls love it and I think it makes it that much more real to them. Me too.