Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I am up early this morning waiting. I won't know the results of the testing for a bit but I am hopeful. I am far enough along in this pregnancy that the baby will be absolutely fine if he's forced out but that's not what I want. I'm hoping to just go into labor on my own very soon. The odds of that seem very unlikely spending my time laying in a hospital bed. I miss the girls terribly and this is not how I wanted our last few days as a family of 6 to go. I'm hoping to get a few days to make up for that.

I obviously have some kind of a virus because despite the fact that I am taking an antibiotic I am becoming a little more congested everyday. I have a cough, but it's not bad. The congestion mostly effects my head/ear. I think that's what is making this healing process seem so slow. I'll be sure to ask my doctor this morning if that seems normal. For now I wait.

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